July 27, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Ron Pauls’ Victory Speech New Hampshire 2012

Ron Paul finished second to Mitt Romney but make no mistake, this was a massive victory for Ron Paul and the freedom of the human race.

Mitt Romney, with 9,736% more TV coverage than Ron Paul, only managed to get 40% more votes.

If you doubt that Mitt Romney gets so much more news coverage take a look at these reports of the New Hampshire primary results.

1. Daily Mail UK, absolutely terrified of having to explain what real freedom is to it’s readership

Romney ended up with about 39% of the vote with Texas Representative Ron Paul a distant second with 23%.  Only former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman had a respectable showing with 17%.

Apparently Ron Paul’s showing is not respectable.


2. New York Times, another organisation which is baffled why it’s business is going down. Perhaps it has something to do with the lack of balance to its reporting.

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/us/politics/ron-paul-finishes-second-in-new-hampshire-republican-primary.html?ref=politics – in article supposedly about Ron Paul Gingrich and Santorum are mentioned just as often as Ron Paul

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/11/us/politics/mitt-romney-wins-in-new-hampshire-republican-primary.html?ref=politics – Despite Gingrich finishing nowhere his name is mentioned almost 4 times as often as Ron Paul’s

And as a side not, check out the NY Times prediction for the republican nominee, notice anything?



Call me paranoid, but it seems the media wants to ignore the favourite for the presidency.

Ron Paul is the favourite?

Yes, favourite, the TV exposure that Ron Paul is going to get is only going to increase his support.

To give you some idea of how much popularity Ron Paul is getting, Ron Paul is 300% more popular in New Hampshire in 2012 than he was in 2008. In 2012 Ron Paul took 16% more votes than in 2008. Mitt Romney on the other hand took 6% less of the vote from 2008. His popularity will continue to decline.

Romney is less popular than he was in 2008.

As Ron Paul himself says, once people declare their support for him, very rarely do they leave and with the increased media exposure that has to worry Obama and Romney.

These are the 2 choices for the presidency, you have Mitt Romney who takes the opportunity of a shallow victory to pat himself on the back

And then you have this man, who takes the victory speech as an oppurtunity to educate people about his policies.

One man believes his policies are something to say to get elected, the other man believes his policies are something that will restore America, you decide which is which.





The fact that PBS has no turn off the comments on Romney videos should tell you everything you need to know about Romney’s real popularity.

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