July 27, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Threats are the only tools that Papademos and the Greek central bank has.

Logical argument is not on their side.

How can I say this?

Let us talk about common sense, generally accepted wisdom.

If you want to persuade someone to do something which you believe will help them you outline your plans in details.

You explain to your audience and you answer any questions they have, that way everybody involved can understand what you are saying.

If what you are saying is obviously a good idea then more than likely everybody will get on board.

So why does Papademos not do this?

He is facing massive resistance from the public sector and the private sector yet he has made absolutely no effort to explain the finer details of what a Greek government default would mean for the Greek people.

You would think he would make some effort, even if it were to get the private sector or the public sector on board.

One or the other has to be better than having everybody against your plans.

Yet the details of a default have been kept secret. And instead of intelligent conversation Papademos threatens the Greek people with words like catastrophe and chaos. Why?

Could it be that if Papademos were to explain the finer points of a default the Greek people would be able to work out for themselves that the plans to “save” the country actually destroy it?

Today Papademos has slipped up and been more specific about what the actual effects of a Greek government default are, and even though he only said one sentence, the one sentence shows that he is lying to the Greek people and his threats are pure bluff.

This is what he said

Failing to adopt the bill, he said, “would disrupt imports of fuel, medicine and machinery”.

You can see why Papademos is terrified of having to explain the consequences of default in detail. He has said one thing and it is completely false.

Why exactly does he believe the supply of fuel, medicine and machinery will be disrupted? Unless Papademos plans to close the borders of Greece then this will not and can not happen.

If the only power that Papademos has over Greeks is that he can close the banks then the answer for Greeks is obvious. They need to withdraw their money while they still can and while they still have some.

Here is another excerpt which highlights how far Papademos is prepared to go with his threats rather than explaining the consequences of a default to the Greek people.

“A disorderly default would set the country on a disastrous adventure,” he said. “It would create conditions of uncontrolled economic chaos and social explosion.”

“The country would be drawn into a vortex of recession, instability, unemployment and protracted misery and this would sooner or later lead the country out of the euro.”


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