May 4, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Big Government is ANTI Democracy

It’s an obvious point but I thought I would point it out anyway. The more people the government employs the less democratic a country becomes.

When the government employs a large percentage of the population the less able the government is to take the correct action for the economy. Especially when the correct thing to do is to sack government workers. Large numbers of public workers politisises the economic decisions a government has to make.

This is the situation Greece is in at the moment, there are so many people working for the government, there are so many people dependent on the government, there are so many people who draw pensions that the government is politicizes.

PASOK are unable to do the right thing because their socialist policies have been proven to be a complete failure and it has backed them in a corner from which they cannot escape.

Government redundancies are unavoidable it is just a matter of when they happen and who pulls the trigger. As of today it looks like PASOK are willing to blow up the country before they will do the only thing that can be done.

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