May 15, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Banks Should Take Over OTE

Athens News reports today that “the banks” (no sources are named) are pressuring the Greek government to hand over control of the privatization programme to “banks” because it is an unpopular move to privatize these Greek state owned companies.

If, if, Greece is still a democracy then this should tell the government something. If the majority of the people are against such privatizations then surely they should not go ahead?

Another “banker” is quoted as saying “Leaving Greece in sole charge is too political”, political? Doesn’t he mean too democratic? The last time I looked Greece was a democratic country

I hope these comments by unnamed bankers are not viewed by the Greek government as way of moving the blame onto someone else.

But you have to question the sanity of anyone that thinks that selling of these income generating revenue streams is in the best long term interest of the Greek people.

Generally it is hard to say whether selling off Greek owned companies is a good thing, the experience of privatising state owned companies in the UK is unclear with regards to whether the service and price is better or worse than before.

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