May 2, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Snapshot of Greek Protests from 29.6.11

14.11 Police in full riot gear charge into corwd of peaceful protesters and use tear gas

14.27 Police in full riot gear keep pushing people back with tear gas. High density of people in area, definite possibility of people getting trampled under foot

14.28 Police in full riot gear launch more tear gas into crowd, forces crowd back

14.29 Second wave of police in full riot gear advance and launch tear gas

14.30 Huge amounts of tear gas in square. Youths retaliate by throwing debris at police

14.44 Peaceful protesters move back into are they were previously driven from by police

15.06 Police in full riot gear re take area mentioned in 14.44

18.13 Stun grenades used, groups of police all over square

18.14 Tear gas outside parliament in amongst peaceful protesters. Centre of square swamped in tear gas

18.15 Tear gas lands inside group of peaceful protesters

18.16 Large group of people running, high risk of trampling. Shot of stone throwing youth talking with police in full riot gear

18.17 Constant sound of stun grenades. Yet more tear gas thrown into crowd

18.19 Youths coming out from metro station. Tear gas being thrown into metro station by police in full riot gear

18.22 Police in full riot gear gone from opposite side of square from parliament

18.24 Air raid siren starts but sound stays at high pitch does not fall. About 10 stun grenades let off in quick succession.

18.25 Massive use of stun grenades

18.26 Fire outside ELTA office

18.29 High pitched sound stops after 5 minutes of high pitched tone. Finishes like air raid siren tone dropping

18.34 Peaceful in square, no police no problems

18.50 Calm

19.00 Police in full riot gear walking through crowd of peaceful protesters. Lots of tear gas in the air, police in full riot gear moving people away from front of parliament

19.01 2 stun grenades, peaceful protesters moving back to centre of square

19.46 Police chasing people into square from opposite side of parliament

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