May 7, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Greek Protesters are Childish

So says Brendan O’Neil of Spiked. He may be right but what he has to remember is that the Greeks are probably the most politically aware people in Europe so where does that leave everyone else?

He criticizes the protesters for not having a clear objective and implies if they do not have a goal or a plan then they should not be protesting. To be honest, I don’t think he is listening to what they protesters are saying. The acknowledge that government in corrupt and people working for the government have been too greedy. Maybe it needs to be spelt out to him that the protesters want politicians to be accountable for the money they wasted and stole and they want government workers to be realistic about their wage, bonus and pension demands.

To me it sounds like the protesters know exactly what needs to be done to sort the country out. From what I can see the protesters

The Greeks have a plan
have identified the biggest problems which has led Greece to the position it is in today.

But maybe Brendan lives in the same bubble as the English who leave responses on websites re the Greek economic problems with the air that their country does not have the exact same problems as Greece.

The Greek protesters don’t want to patronise anyone by stating the obvious but maybe they need to because some people in Britain do not understand what their problem is.

For all those people like Brendan O’Neil who think the protesters are not putting forward solutions I show you this photo. (To state the obvious, they are directed at the politicians)

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