May 20, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

H KAΘHMEPINH calls for Regulation of the Internet

It is high time that legislation was introduced to regulate the Internet that will impose on these so-called news media the same rules and regulations that apply to all other media. is what H KAΘHMEPINH has called for according to

Sounds like sour grapes and/or desperation to me. is obviously unhappy at the regulations that is imposed on it and wants to to afflict anyone who puts content on the internet to be “policed” in the same way

First of all which internet is H KAΘHMEPINH talking about? The internet in Greece or worldwide?

If in Greece only H KAΘHMEPINH must be calling for the Greek state to sensor what Greeks put on the internet. Okay so who decides what is acceptable and what is not acceptable? What is true and not true. By H KAΘHMEPINH asking for government regulation it must want to the government to decide these things.

Is H KAΘHMEPINH a socialist/communistic/totaliterian newspaper or did the author not think through what he was aying before he put finger to keyboard?

If H KAΘHMEPINH wants to control what foreign websites are visible in Greece again, who is going to make the call on what is acceptable or not? H KAΘHMEPINH is asking for government regulation so they must be asking for the government to decide.

Again so many issues rised by what H KAΘHMEPINH has written.

H KAΘHMEPINH says In Greece, unfortunately, we have seen this useful medium being abused and manipulated over the past few years by the rather nefarious phenomenon of websites whose contributors are not identified and which are used to launch personal attacks against specific individuals, to issue threats and even to blackmail people.

The average citizen, however, cannot know who is hiding behind such websites, and certainly not what interests the person or people behind them represent, in contrast to newspapers and other news and information media whose owners and writers are easily identified.

Most of this may be true but H KAΘHMEPINH misundertsands an extremely fundamental point. The article says The average citizen, however, cannot know who is hiding behind such websites, and certainly not what interests the person or people behind them represent, in contrast to newspapers and other news and information media whose owners and writers are easily identified.

This is completely and utterly false. Granted private citizens cannot find out the ownership of .gr domains held by private individuals. But this is because of government regulation. Greece is the only country I know of where the identity of the owner of a website is not public knowledge.

If this is H KAΘHMEPINH’s problem, then they should campaign for the law to be changed and for Greece to be brought into line with the international community.

The answer to this problem is not more government regulation but less. This solution does not lead to tyranny, what they are proposing, government regualtion of the internet does lead to tyranny.

And even if we ignore for one moment that the government has caused the problem H KAΘHMEPINH is asking it to fix, The average citizen, however, cannot know who is hiding behind such websites this sentence is still false.

Although private citizens cannot find the ownership identity of a website registered by other private citizens a lawyer certainly can find out. And the author continues websites whose contributors are not identified and which are used to launch personal attacks against specific individuals, to issue threats and even to blackmail people.

All of these things are prosecutable under law. Personal attacks can be dealt with by legal action, threats and blackmail are also prosecutable under the law.

So the entire article is a complete non issue, yet the answer which is called for is tyranny.

regulate the Internet that will impose on these so-called news media the same rules and regulations that apply to all other media.

The author does not specify what regulations he is talking about, I assume he is talking about government regaultions in which case his issue is with the government, he should not be calling for the end of freedom of speech.

When he refers to rules I assume he is talking about legal rules, in which case website publishers already are liable to the exact same laws as H KAΘHMEPINH.

On the whole the H KAΘHMEPINH article is a completely misguided attempt to level what it sees is an unlevel playing field. Out of all the problems that it highlights ALL are caused by government intervention, asking for more government intervention is only going to make the situation worse.

With regards to websites being able to say what they want with no recourse. This is simply not true. Website publishes are just as exposed to the law as H KAΘHMEPINH

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