May 2, 2024

News Cymru

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Greece Will Be Strong – If The Trade Deficit Is Eliminated

If the Greece wants to become a strong independent country then it must address it’s trade deficit.

Greece cannot continue to export around 30billion euros a year and expect to have a stable currency and a healthy country

Of course the government’s deficit needs to be addressed but assuming all the other problems are fixed then last thing, the foundation to the future of Greece will be a balance of trade with the rest of World.

No matter what happens if Greece can balance it’s trade then everything will be okay. Greece will have a strong currency whether it be the Euro of the Drachma.

The worst case scenario is that Greece defaults, decides to go back to the Drachma and the trade deficit continues as it is.

The only way Greece could make up the shortfall would be to print it, which would create inflation which some say is the reason that Greece entered the euro in the first place.

But if Greece can balance it’s trade deficit nothing will effect it. Even in a worst case scenario the country will still prosper.

To balance the trade deficit the Greek government has to get out of the economy and make it easy for people to start businesses, make it easy for people to do business and make it attractive for companies for other countries to set up their operations in Greece.

It is that simpleGreece needs to balance it's trade deficit

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