May 15, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Greek Referendum Asinine – Papandreou Denigrates Population

Papandreou’s referendum decision shows the complete contempt with which he holds the Greek people.

It shows that Papandreou has no interest in the well being of Greeks and is eager to serve other masters.

The majority of Greeks are not opposed to the austerity measures in any way.

Greeks understand that their government is too big and cuts need to be made.

The protests you see on the television especially in October of 2011 have been targeted at the incompetence of the PASOK regime and Papandreou and Venizelos’s complete incompetence in dealing with the problem.

To recap, Papandreou ahs been give over a hundred billion Euros since 2008 and has managed to shrink the Greek economy by around 5% each year he has been in power.

The Greeks do not mind making sacrifices; their issue is with the sacrifices being squandered by Papandreou and Venizelos complete incompetence.

Greeks are seeing the taxes rise, their business destroyed and their savings decimated and yet some how all these sacrifices are only serving to dig Greece into a deeper hole. This is the problem.

If Greeks could see the government making at least some progress with regards to reducing the government deficit then they may be able to stomach the tax increases but the fact is they are worse off and the government is getting into a bigger hole.

The Greek people do not want a referendum on austerity, they know it needs to be done, Greeks agree with government austerity.

What Greeks want is an election to get the incompetents out of office.

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