May 5, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Papandreou Loves to Kick Testicles of Dangerous Animals

Doesn’t matter what animal, Lion, Tiger, DEI (the Greek state power company) he will take anything and anyone on.

That is not in dispute, the question is why?

(Before I continue with the article I have to apologise in advance for the fowl language but using non offensive words does not seem to get my point across vigorously enough anymore, call it lack of vocabulary on my part).

About 2 weeks ago DEI threatened to not collect property taxes as it did not want to be turned into a tax collecting arm of the government. Its union members also believed the property tax to be grossly unfair and also a little bit stupid.

But the threat of rolling black outs that have effected Greece this year is no deterrent for Papandreou.

With threat of rolling black outs already on the agenda Papandreou has decided the kick in the balls did not cause enough discomfort so he has upped the ante, who knows why, maybe he gets off on the “buzz”, whatever the reason he has decided to take out a stick and has proceeded to poke the already pissed of lion in his already aching bollocks.

The stick this time is the form of capping the workers pay. If DEI workers were angry at having to tax their fellow citizens as well as paying an extra few hundred euro a year I wonder who angry they will be at having their pay capped and/or cut.

Whatever the case may be with DEI and the size of their wage packets it really should be the least of Papandreou’s worries. Despite the fact that DEI had a profit of around 500 million Euros in 2010 he still thinks it is a good idea to go in there and piss everyone off and cut people’s electricity.

I have said it countless times before, the strategy of the Greek government makes absolutely no sense if their strategy is to give Greece future. If their strategy is to implode the country then it makes perfect sense.

But it is not only DEI they are going after, it is also the state-run oil company, another profitable company listed on the Athens stock exchange.

Of all the problems in Greece at the moment why on earth would the prime minister decide to add to the problems by disrupting fuel and electricity supplies to the population?

And in addition to that, why the hell would the prime minister go after profitable companies when his government is pissing away 2 billion Euros a month it does not have. They need to get their priorities straight.

My personal opinion is that Papandreou is an agent of the international banking cartel and his mission is to completely destroy the fabric of Greek society and let his banker associates come in and take control of the countries assets for pennies on the dollar.

This is not the first time Papandreou has sabotaged the Greek economy, only 4 months ago during the peak of the holiday season he decided to kick the taxi drivers in the goolies, which led to them going on strike and inconveniencing tens of thousands of holiday makers. In others words with his government spending over 2 billion Euros a month more than they take in, Papandreou though it was a good idea to go after the taxi drivers who are not a drain on the economy in any way.

Write a letter to Papandreou with an idea which will severely hurt the Greek economy, penny to a pound he will implement your idea.

This Greek administration in my eyes is determined to destroy the economy of Greece and to let the country be controlled by foreigners, yet Greeks do not seem to care or understand.

The whole situation makes me sick.

I am sick of having to state the obvious and I am sick of no Greek appearing to spell out the stupidity and sabotage of the PASOK government.

The PASOK administration have no long-term plan. A case in point is DEI. They are depending on the state-run electricity to collect massive taxes. And yet they are also supposed to be privatising it ie handing it over to private investors.

Either they are going to be even more blatant with their Fascist goals or they have not thought through their plans properly.



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