May 3, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

London Riots – Libya Has Destroyed Government’s Credibility?

One thing that is becoming clear is that the general consensus is that the riots are not politicially motivated and are basically crimiinal activities to rob businesses. The only properties struck by the rioters are private businesses. Government organisations appear to have been untouched.

Why now? A lot was made of social media at the start but now text messaging is also been brought into the argument.

I am sure Libya has got nothing to do with the riots but you have to ask the question, how can the UK government condemn these rioters when the British government is ordering it’s military to do far, far worse thing in Libya and Tripoli.

A lot of news is being dedicated to the destroyed businesses in England, and of course rightly so but nothing is made of the civilians who have lost their businesses in Tripoli and even lost their lives in Tripoli for the sole reason that they were born in the wrong country.

Although no one is saying the UK government is losing credibility because of these riots I cannot help thinking that people are becoming aware of how irresponsibly the UK government behaves with regards to people and how it may be argued that the UK government is not in a position to take the moral high ground over these protesters/looters because they are involved in an illegal war which is killing hundreds if not thoudsands of completely innocent civilians in another country.

Some might even say that the UK government is intent on looting Libya for its oil, gold and gas reserves. If it is okay for a government to loot sovereign countries for their resources then why is it not okay for individuals to loot independent companies. Of course the argument could be made but of course neither position is acceptable and they should both be condemned.

If we look at these riots in this perspective, then they really are a drop in the ocean compared to the bigger picture.

To recap, in Libya the UK government has been involved in a campaign that has directly led to the deaths of civilians whose only crime was being born in the wrong country and not to mention the destruction of hundreds of businesses.

Back to the London riots themselves, police tatics can also be questioned. Shots of the rioting on the news gives the impression that the police are adopting methods that are more suited to circumstances where thousands of people are attacking the police which there are not. The strategy appears to completely overestimate the number of people involved in these riots which is why the police seem to be so understaffed.

Personally I do not believe the police are understaffed, they are simply being used in a completely ineffecint way.

And don’t forget, the British police are proabably the most experienced in the world when it comes to handling large numbers of people who are drunk and intent on causing violence due to football hooliganism. There is no excuse for such a large breakdown in social order. These activities are not something new to any British police force

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