May 5, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Greek Police Supporting Golden Dawn?

I read a couple of news stories this morning both about Golden Dawn. One common theme, police doing nothing to arrest rioters or worse…

Here was the first story. Golden Dawn rioting with protesters in the Greek city of Patras. Police allegedly turned a blind eye and left the fighting continue.

Serious incidents occurred late last night in the square of Patras High Alonia when scuffled chrysafgiton groups and anti-authoritarian.According to reports, the clashes caused damage to shops, bars and restaurants in the area. 

According to the same sources, the incidents began when a group of anti-authoritarians attacked with stones and clubs in grill located at the top of the square, street Karatzas. In the barbecue caused serious material damage. Subsequently, the area became a battleground, as occurred Golden Dawn members followed with their stone throwing anti-authoritarians. The police did not intervene, since – according to the information – it was able to control the situation. Eyewitnesses reported that two patrol cars arrived at the point, did not intervene and reverse. Yesterday saw the light of publicity complaints, according to which in the course of business “Xenios Zeus” in Patras to identify and arrest illegal immigrants take part and citizens. particular, according to the complaints has identified at least one municipal employee, member extreme right organization involved in the arrests.

The second story. Police brutalising civilians who has been arrested after protests involving Golden Dawn. There seems to be a common theme developing.

Fifteen anti-fascist protesters arrested in Athens during a clash with supporters of the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn have said they were tortured in the Attica General Police Directorate (GADA) – the Athens equivalent of Scotland Yard – and subjected to what their lawyer describes as an Abu Ghraib-style humiliation.

Members of a second group of 25 who were arrested after demonstrating in support of their fellow anti-fascists the next day said they were beaten and made to strip naked and bend over in front of officers and other protesters inside the same police station. – read the full artilce

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