May 19, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Greek Election Deadlock-Why Greeks Should Ignore It

So you have the 3 biggest parties at the last election refusing to speak to each other, even though their aims are broadly similar. ie renegotiation of the terms of the memoranda to different extents.

If you had 3 massively different views then you could understand the impasse on grounds of principle but in reality all 3 want the same thing just to different degrees, to me that sounds like a solid foundation to negotiations.

The fact that the meetings between the party heads last about 15 minutes shows they are a long way away from a workable government, new elections or not. This political dead lock is going to run and run.

What I cannot understand is why the Greeks even care. Okay the media is covering nothing else at the moment in Greece. The elections and the non result are the only things being talked about but I think the Greeks need to take a step back and ask themselves, why they really care and why does the situation effect them?

Why are Greeks so determined to have a government?

Why are Greek so determined that they should have a prime minister?

I think they will find the answer is that it only matters because they choose to let it matter.

Bear with me here while I flesh out the details.

Imagine the Greek government for a moment was a big business, let’s use Toyota for example.

Imagine the board of Toyota could not agree who would be their new CEO or president.

Would the Greek people care, would the news media be wall to wall with the talks within Toyota as to who would be their next president?

Of course they would not. Sure it might make the news but honestly? Who would really care?

Okay, so why is the president of Toyota inconsequential to Greeks but finding a prime minister so important as to hog all media coverage?

What makes the government different from Toyota?

The only thing I can think of is taxes.

If Greeks were not paying taxes, would they care who the prime minister was?

I mean if Greeks did not have any economic involvement with the Greek government, would they mind what the politicians did?

Are that is the crux of the matter.

Greeks want lower taxes and lower regulation. So why do they need the government, surely if Greeks simply stopped paying their taxes ignoring regulations they would get what they want.

At the end of the day the government only has legitimacy if the people give it legitimacy and clearly they do not. At the end of the day people are ultimately judged by their peers and all the people are in agreement with one another.

I have put it too many Greeks, what do they think of voluntary taxation, and to a man, they have said nobody would pay anything if they did not have to.

In short, it only matters that the Greek political parties will not talk to each other because the Greeks think it matters or because Greeks choose for it to matter for them. Given that Greeks don’t want to pay taxes why are they choosing to let the political mess matter to them?

I think most Greeks would agree that their government steals from them so why do they continue to cooperate with the government, why is there no movement in Greece for voluntary taxation?

Greeks themselves acknowledge they would be better off without any government (they would choose not to pay tax) so why is there no movement to make the desires of every taxing paying Greek a reality?

Until Greeks as a people take control of their own political process they will be the victims of it.

The problems in Greece are obvious and yet nobody it appears is prepared to do anything about it.

It is truly bizarre to an outsider looking in. All Greeks seem to be in agreement that the political system is useless and yet there is absolutely no concerted effort for the people to change the system or strip the system of its power.

Instead you have Greeks worrying about a system they do not want and you have Greeks seeing their country being destroyed yet they are unhappy that there is not a politician/prime minister to oversee the destruction.

Why are Greeks not being proactive and taking control of the situation, they clearly have the support of their fellow citizens.

Why are Greeks so determined to select their slave master rather than choosing not be slaves?

Lets take it down a notch. Why do the polticians have to even form a coalition with agreement?

I mean why does it matter that the polticians will not talk to each other?

Lets take it back a notch.

What do you think of this idea.

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