May 7, 2024

News Cymru

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Greek Crisis – 1 Simple Reform That Could Fix All Of Greece’s Problems Immediately

Property law & reform.

Greece, has arguably the most desirable real estate in the world. Unfortunately, if you want to buy a piece, or god forbid, develop a piece of it you are in for a war with bureaucracy, taxes and corruption.

This piece of "prime" real estate is within 40minutes drive of 1 million people and this is the best Greece can come up with. The situation is a complete and utter disgrace.(Perea, Thessaloniki)

Can you imagine what would happen to Greek land and property prices if it was easy to buy and develop property in Greece?

If foreigners could easily buy and develop property in Greece the effects on the Greek economy would be nothing short of miraculous.

If foreigners could buy and develop land and/or property in Greece in a straightforward and most importantly, tax-free way, Greece can expect to see the value of all property in Greece go through the roof.

Looking at prices in the UK, I see absolutely no reason why the price of the average property would not at least double.

Can you imagine the literally billions of Euros flooding into the country by foreign investors to develop the Greek property sector?

Not only could the trade deficit be massively cut, if not eliminated, the building sector in Greece would go through a boom it has never seen with all the multiplier benefits that go with a booming construction industry.

And this is not addressing the simply massive increase in wealth of the average Greek due to the property values sky rocketing.

In case you are thinking the photo above has some horrendous view, or that the sea is not fit to swim in, this is the view from these "apartments" & those are mountains on the horizon(Gulf of Thessaloniki)

I have never been to a country which has coastline as underdeveloped as Greece. I mean Swansea has a better developed coastline than almost any part of Greece and even though I love Wales, I do not think you can compare the beauty of Swansea bay with the coastline of almost any part of Greece.

It is a complete farce for coastline border properties to be of less value in Greece than in the UK. The only thing holding people back from investing in Greek property is the simple massive amount of paperwork involved and the amount of hurdles people have to jump.

If foreigners could buy and develop property in Greece easily then there is no reason for Greek property prices not to increase hugely.

Unfortunately, this one simple reform has been blocked by the PASOK regime, it has only become more expensive and more difficult to buy property in Greece since the crisis began. Yet another way out for your average Greek that has been blocked.

It is as if, the government was put in a room with the Greek population at the beginning of the crisis.

This room has many doors, each door has a solution that will help Greece.

As an example of what is possible. La Manga, Spain, which incidentally has around 300,000 people within 40 minutes drive. You do the math...

Unfortunately, the Greek government has pad locked all the doors and has thrown away the keys.

The only door they have left open is the door to bailouts and more debt.

And today we have the Greek regime saying Greece has only one option. They do not mention they have thrown away the keys to many things that would have helped Greece.

They only want to talk about the one door that is left open. They want to ignore the fact that they have created this sole solution by locking the doors to all others.

It is a very sad situation, even more sad that the media is not questioning the simple reality and asking the question “why?”

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