May 19, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Troika Encourages Theft Of Greek Pensioners

The Greek government is telling the Greek government that they must raid their pensions account to find cost savings.

Apparently it is now acceptable to take investor’s money and blow it on other things.

Just like MF Global, Greek pensioners have paid money into their pension accounts over their working life under the agreement they would get x amount of pension when they retired.

Now the Troika is saying, doesn’t matter that you paid into your pension over the past 40 or 50 years. We need to pay you less and give that money to people who are currently working for the government.

How can the Troika think it is acceptable to take the people’s pension money to pay people working for the government?

Everything that would happen in a default is happening in Greece with one critical omission. The benefits.

A default would lead to a cut pension cuts but it would also relieve Greece of a massive interest burden.

A default with none of the benefits. That is what is happening to Greece.

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