May 5, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

The Greek referendum will end in a no vote. Every Greek I have spoken to say the “shock” referendum announcement is either puerile political theatre or it is simply blackmail.

Why Greeks Will Vote No – Reason 1

The Greeks, over the past 3 years have been exposed to the most incompetent government anywhere in Europe in recent memory.

Either the Papandreou government has been incompetent or they have deliberately imploded the Greek economy, either way Greeks will not vote with such incompetence and/or someone who seems hell-bent on the destruction of their country

Why Greeks Will Vote No – Reason 2

The French Prime Minister has already come out and said the Greek referendum will simply be a “Vote yes to stay in the Euro, vote no to leave” which gives me some guidance with regards to what question PASOK will put to the Greek people.

Especially as Sarkozy seems to be working so closely to the banks interests

Why Greeks Will Vote No – Reason 3

Barroso  the president of the European Comission has also come and said that if Greeks vote no then they can expect “more painful conditions” and this is coming from someone who we are told does not even know what the question in the referendum will be.

Given Barroso’s communist leanings we can assume he would like to take central control of Greek affairs.

Why Greeks Will Vote No – Reason 4

The whole reason that the referendum has been called as far as Greeks are concerned is that the bailout tranche had conditions attached to it which meant Greece giving up its sovereignty.

Instead of explaining to Greeks exactly what the conditions were that were attached to the bailout plan Papandreou has simply decided to call a Referendum and not explain the conditions attached.

The fundamental concerns of the Greeks remain, the bailout leads to Greece giving up sovereignty, for this reason they will vote no above all other reasons

Why Greeks Will Vote No – Reason 4

The wording of the question will probably be very insulting to the intelligence of the Greeks.

No realistic Greek is against the reduction of government spending as the way out of the crisis. The problem the Greeks have is the methods being employed to achieve a smaller government deficit

The Greeks also have a problem with being told they need to make sacrifices which actually make their situation worse.

Greeks are on board with the austerity measures, they are simply asking that the government show some competence and progress in getting out of the mess

Why Greeks Will Vote No – Reason 5

Greeks are already claiming that they feel that the referendum is simply blackmail. I know of nobody that responds positively while being blackmailed. The response of the Greek people could be belligerent

Why Greeks Will Vote No – Reason 6

Greeks may begin to feel that any politician who believes in using blackmail against their own people deserve to fall and fail in their objectives.

It is for these reasons why I believe a “No” vote is almost a certainty.

As I mentioned, the referendum is completely superfluous, Greeks understand and are on board with the austerity measures.

What they are objecting to and protesting about is the incompetence of government and not the austerity measures themselves

The only real democratic answer for Greece would be elections, a referendum is superficial, puerile political theatre and does not help the country in any way.

A theme which is consistent with Papandreou’s reign so far


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