April 29, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Greeks Wave Goodbye to 2,500 Years of History

In around 500bc Thermisteclis was vastly outnumbered by the Persian naval fleet but with cunning and bravery he overcame them

On the 28th of June 2011 Greecewas under attack again.This time the ‘warriors’ came as ‘friends’ who wanted to ‘save’ Greece from catastrophe.

Unlike Thermisticles, the Greeks now have an enemy within and instead of ships and weapons, this time the tools of the invaders was paperwork and threats yet the representatives of the Greek people have folded without a fight.

Maybe the Greek people themselves will take matters into their own hands time will tell.

Unlike in ancient Greece the threat is much less obvious, the target is extremely hard to see. The Greek people are not armed so talk of a new Greek civil war is unlikely if not impossible.

One thing is for sure, the Greek economy is destined to implode with the new austerity measures. The result of the first year of austerity measures has shown the future.

The plan is to make the sell off of Greek assets easier. Assets such as the power company, water companies, railways and roads. The worry is it could be something more serious, something more invasive.

The economists know they are leading Greece into a hole. They know the whole has no way out with these measures. The sovereignty of Greece has already been compromised with foreigners being employed to mastermind the privitisation program. Could this be the start of more foreign involvement in affairs of the Greek state, perhaps with influence in the parliament although this is probably happening already.

The second Gaza flotilla not being allowed to leave Greek ports is an example of foreign involvement in Greek affairs. The irony of this action is obvious. Greece was the last country to launch a successful aid flotilla to the Gaza strip while it was under siege by Israel. There was an excellent documentary on Al Jazeera about the Greek aid flotilla to Gaza. Unfortunately I cannot find it anywhere.

It is a shame that a once free country is now a tool of foreign interests

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