May 2, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

“puzzled” by the Greek state’s failure to collect taxes – Pissarides

Why? Are the Greeks different to the rest of the people on the planet? Are the Greeks the only people who don’t like to pay taxes? I don’t think so. No person likes to pay taxes especially when they do not think they are getting a good deal for the money they pay.

So it is entirely normal for the Greeks to resist to pay taxes, they believe they do not get a good deal in return for the taxes that they pay. And considering that Greek government is amongst the most corrupt in the Western world you would have to say the Greek people have a point.

And given the the current economic problems in Greece is down to government mismanagement of the countries finances, the Greeks are taking the only sensible choice. To restrict the allowance of their out of control children (the politicians) until they can learn how to behave responsibly.Pissarides - Baffled

Then again, it is not the first time an academic has been “puzzled” by common sense

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