May 2, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Gerald Celente gave me the idea for this article. I thought it would be too difficult to have online voting but he said something which changed my mind

He stated that if people can do their banking online then they can vote online. And of course he is correct. Arguably online banking should be even more secure that online voting. If banks have the technology to trust people to bank online there is NO reason why people cannot vote online.

Athens News carried an article in which they interviewed Giovanni Sartori who is supposed to be an expert in political party systems.

Sartory - Direct Democratic System is the Best type of democracy
Sartory - Direct Democratic System is the Best type of democracy

Throughout the the article Sartori is repeatedly quote as saying direct democracy is “unfeasible”. Unfortunately he does not go into specifics. I can see no reason why it is unfeasible. If Google can host 150million email accounts securely then I see no reason why direct democracy is unfeasible.

Another issue that Sartoriu continues to highlight is that people have no clue about the issues, and they may not be qualified to comment. I would say every citizen is qualified to comment on issues that effect their country.

With regards to people not having a full grasp of the issues, this is probably a good thing. Sartori has obvioulsy never read “The Wisdom of Crowds” by James Surowiecki.

He is quoted as saying Anyhow, when surveys ask people what they know about this or that, instead of what they think, we have found out that they know nothing. If he had read the book Wisdon of Crowds he would know that people not knowing about subjects is an actual benefit and is preferable!

The book Wisdom of Crowds is boiled down to this by it’s Wikipedia page
Based on Surowiecki’s book, Oinas-Kukkonen[2] captures the wisdom of crowds approach with the following eight conjectures:
It is possible to describe how people in a group think as a whole.
In some cases, groups are remarkably intelligent and are often smarter than the smartest people in them.
The three conditions for a group to be intelligent are diversity, independence, and decentralization.
The best decisions are a product of disagreement and contest.
Too much communication can make the group as a whole less intelligent.
Information aggregation functionality is needed.
The right information needs to be delivered to the right people in the right place, at the right time, and in the right way.
There is no need to chase the expert.

Direct democracy is not only the most popular solution to corrupt government is it positively the best solution available.

From 4.20seconds is when Gerald Celente talks about direct democracy but the whole video is good watching[youtube

Direct democracy is the solution for Greece and direct democracy should be the goal of the Greek people. Greece led the World with a democratic system that was the best given the technologies in existence in the ancient world. Greece can once again lead the World in democratic systems by utilizing the technologies available in the 21st century.

Buy “The Wisdom of Crowds” from Amazon USA

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