May 9, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Relax Regulations On Brothels – Mayor of Athens

It is not often you hear such common sense remarks from a politician in Greece but the Mayor of Athens came out with the following over the weekend

“Unfortunately, political inactivity and the fear of political cost, are the main reasons for these perpetuated conditions that endanger thousands of our fellow citizens.”
Kaminis argued that overly strict and outdated laws for the licensing of legal brothels have given rise to scores of illegal sites where health checks are either ignored or carried out infrequently.

The attitude of super strict and unfair regulation is typical of the Greek political establishment ie Greeks need government to protect them from themselves.

It is refreshing to see these type of comments coming from the Mayor of Athens, Yiorgos Kaminis.

I was expecting him to say how the laws were not tight enough and there needed to be more regulation but instead of treating the symptoms he has addressed the root cause of the problem, ie, why would brothels choose to be unlicensed and run the risk of fines when there is a legal avenue for them.

Clearly there is something wrong with the existing laws that makes it preferable for people to act outside the law.

Like I said, refreshingly, the Mayor of Athens, Yiorgos Kaminis seems to realise this.

His comments come on the back of a story about a sex worker who, appranetly, unknowingly had HIV.

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