May 2, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

UK “Green” Taxes On Conservatorys – Welcome To The Twilight Zone

The government is hinting it will introduce green taxes on home improvements such as boiler repairs and extensions like conservatories and garages.

New regulations proposed by the government will prevent people making significant home improvements unless they also pay for energy-saving measures such as loft or wall insulation for existing foundations at the same time.

So let me clarify what the government is saying.

If you extend your house, logically you can expect your energy bills to increase slightly. The government is saying that people should then be forced to insulate their homes to “offset” the effect of the extra energy cost caused by the extension.

And the government thinks this is such an obviously good idea people have to be forced to comply.

Apparently people must be stupid because unless the government forced them to do something in their own interest they would not do it.

In reality the cost of carrying out the insulation measures outlined by the government more than offset any energy savings the individual will make.

If the savings were so obvious I am positive the private sector would be experiencing a boom in insulation companies as the demand for insulation would be so great.

I do not know anyone who wants to spend more than they need, if the cost savings of insulation were so clear-cut I am sure every body would be getting the work done.

In reality the cost of carrying out the insulation outlined by the government easily offsets any energy savings which is why people will not do it without the threat of force.

A DCLG spokesman said the scheme would only require “economically feasible” improvements and that reducing energy wastage could save families up to £150 a year.

The spokesman said: “When a householder decides to change their boiler or add an extension they would simply be also be asked to make other energy efficiency improvements to help reduce the cost of rising energy bills so their home is warmer and cheaper to run.

“If a household does choose to go ahead the Government’s Green Deal is there to help them carry out their improvements in a way that means they do not have to pay any upfront costs.”

Lets make no bones about it. Insulating homes to government standard more than outweighs the savings, otherwise people would be doing it voluntarily.

Which brings us to the core of the argument, reducing people’s “carbon footprint”.

The government, with this legislation is saying people will be reducing their carbon footprint if they spend more money.

Which is the exact opposite of reality. The cheaper option is always the most environmentally friendly.

To expand that point. Money is labour and resources. If you need to use more labour and resources to get the same result than the more expensive option is always the least environmentally friendly.

In summary, the government is saying one thing, ie they want people reducing their carbon emissions and yet the law they propose will guarantee the opposite effect.

Unless of course the government simply wants to stop people improving their homes and the “green taxes” are just a stealth way if imposing draconian planning restrictions.

I will leave you to decide which is closer to the truth.

In reality all taxes make things cost more and reduce the efficiency of labour and therefore and harmful to the environment.

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