May 7, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

More Communism From Greek Regime – Government to move into food retail

No matter what happens I am always surprised at the next communist steps the Greek government takes.

The whole point of the crisis has been that the Greek government is too big and needs to do less. But the Greek government continues to take on more responsibilities despite the fact that it has shown itself completely incompetent to provide the services it is already obligated to.

Why the Greek government thinks it can do something better than private business is beyond me.

So this is the latest story. The Greek government is going to open an online shop selling fresh vegetables.

The motive is that the government believes that the “middlemen” in the distribution channel are gouging prices and make inflated profits.

The creation of the online grocery store, which will be designed by the Development Ministry in cooperation with the Thessaloniki Central Market, aims to sidestep middlemen who are widely accused of driving up prices in order to increase profit margins

So the government’s answer seems to be to try to put these “middlemen” out of business creating more unemployment. As if unemployment in Greece was not high enough already.

Not to mention the fact that government involvement in the fruit and vegetable sector can only lead to less businessmen wanting to get involved and that means less competition.

The fact that the government will not make a profit from its website guarantees that the service it will offer will be less in tune with customer needs and that prices could be taken to unsustainable levels putting into jeopardy investment in the development of agriculture in Greece.

I can imagine the quality of the products and services associated with agriculture will decline with government involvement and I also imagine that the government will use this decline in service quality as yet more “evidence” that more government involvement is needed.

I’ll address the profits issue because it has been brought up.

I would love to know what evidence the newspaper is using to justify repeating the claims of inflated profits. If prices are inflated and no companies are coming in to undercut the existing players then there must be some sort of restriction stopping from new companies stepping in.

I expect there is and rest assured, these restrictions are not put in place by businesses or you can be sure the government would have told the press.

Where is the money coming from? The EU. The EU is giving the Greek government money to put people out of business. If you needed anymore evidence on the communist agenda……

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