May 6, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Excellent Example Of Greek Government Propaganda

On the one hand the Papademos regime is saying that a chaotic default will have “ripple” effects throughout the global financial system and that a Greek default will lead to the collapse of the Eurozone and will also force Greece back to the Drachma.

And all this if Greek do not agree quickly to new austerity measures.

On the other hand you have the Greek government saying that there is no rush to cut costs. That the government overheads can be reduced slowly over a period of years.

Which is it?

Does the Greek government have all the time in the world or not?

Does the Greek government have time to cut costs or does it need to cut costs immediately?

There is one huge political game being played in Greece. On the one hand Greek are being told disaster is imminent while international investors are being told “don’t worry, everything is under control”.

Both stories can’t be right…

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