May 2, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

South Carolinans – They are being played like a fiddle

The political and media establishment are really going to work on the people of South Carolina

Surprise surprise, Gingrich is now the front runner in South Carolina.

The attacks and retaliation between Gingrich and Romney were becoming a bit of a non issue seeing as Gingrich was a debatable “top-tier” candidate.

This little war between Romney and Gingrich, that is so broadly covered by the media was in danger of losing the media credibility if Gingrich didn’t start doing something in the polls.

And what do we have in South Carolina today? Gingrich as favourite.

Now the Gingrich Romney attacks retaliations are given a bit more oxygen. They can go on for a few more days or weeks.

You have to wonder, how easily influenced are people in South Carolina by the media saying who is the favourite.

I am sure the media has a good laugh when they can come out and tell people “Gingrich is the front-runner in South Carolina” with absolutely no evidence and yet their promotion of the “front-runner” candidate turns out to come true.

How can anyone prove what effect this media propaganda has?

Only the establishment knows. They have the power over the media, unless they want to come out and spill the beans with regards to what their research tells them we will all be in the dark.

One thing is for sure though. If Ron Paul was getting even half of the media coverage as Romney, Ron Paul would be the front-runner in South Carolina by a massive margin.

How do I know that? Because Ron Paul finished second in New Hampshire with a tiny percentage of Romney’s coverage.

For 2012, Americans have to start doing their own reasearch on the republican candidates and start ignoring the mainstream media.

Ron Paul has written many books, if you want a handle on what he believes in get a copy and vote for the only honest adult in the race.

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