May 8, 2024

News Cymru

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Ron Paul-His History Needs Closer Analysis, Take 15 Minutes, You Owe It To Yourself

Video & Text – Drinking With Bob You Tube


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A new presidential poll cam out today saying that Ron Paul is tied with Newt Gingrich in Iowa, Ron Paul is 2 points behind Newt Gingrich in New Hampshire.

Ron Paul is not behind, Ron Paul is not tied with Newt Gingrich, he is never going to be tied with Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul is leading everybody by a landslide, Ron Paul is sitting in the winner’s circle when no other Presidential candidate has even left the starting gate.

The mainstream media does not want you to know this, the Republicans don’t want you to know this, the Democrats don’t want you to know this, why? Because if Ron Paul becomes president the Republicans, the Democrats, the media, they are out of business, their Ponzi scheme on America is over, its done. Ron Paul is going to get in the White House, he is not going to play ball like every president before.

Ron Paul is, what Barrack Obama claimed to be, real change, Ron Paul is going to lower taxes, Ron Paul is going to fix theeconomy.

Ron Paul is going to protect your constitutional rights, Ron Paul is going to stop sending your money overseas, he’s going to bring our troops home and put them on our borders and he is going to secure this country.

Ron Paul wants what you want, Ron Paul is you, if you took 15 minutes out of your busy day to go on the computer and see for yourself you’d know, instead of listening to a bunch of bobble heads in the media.

The media doesn’t care about you, the media is not your friend, the media screwed you once already by giving you Barrack Obama, don’t let them screw you again by taking away Ron Paul.

And I’m not saying you have to vote for the guy. I’m just saying you owe it to yourself to take 15 minutes out of your day to look at your computer and at least see for yourself what the guy stands for . Trust me, you wont be disappointed.


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