May 4, 2024

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Analysis of the Canada Email – COVID19

An email from an alleged Canadian government official has surfaced and which predicts the next step in the COVID19 “pandemic”.

While we can’t vouch for the authenticity of the email what we can do is look at the points contained within it and see if they appear to be correct.

This Canada email came to our attention around the 8th of December 2020 although the email itself is dated 10th of October 2020 and was posted on the Canada Report on the 14th of October

There have already been “debunking” articles on mainstream news websites such as Reuters (27th of October), which is ironic considering the article is being debunked before the dates mention in the email have passed..

We are now in December, how have those predictions from the 10th of October panned out so far, for Europe?

Prediction 1 – Phase in secondary lock down restrictions on a rolling
basis, starting with major metropolitan areas first and
expanding outward. Expected by November 2020.

Greece entered a lockdown on the 30th of October with a national lockdown on the 5th of November. The UK has various levels of lockdown which were implemented on the 2nd of November. Wales had its “firebreak end of October into early November. There was an inkling that these restrictions would come back for the winter in Greece although perhaps they came in earlier than what was expected.

Claim: Confirmed

Prediction 2 – Rush the acquisition of (or construction of) isolation
facilities across every province and territory. Expected by
December 2020.

No details of this for the UK or Greece

Claim: Unconfirmed

Prediction 3 – Daily new cases of COVID-19 will surge beyond
capacity of testing, including increases in COVID related
deaths following the same growth curves. Expected by
end of November 2020.

Surge beyond capacity of testing, I am not sure what this means. With regards to deaths increasing with a lag to increasing cases, this appears to be what is happening in London at the time of writing this article. Cases in Canada seem to have plateaued, cases in the USA are rising.

Claim: Partly confirmed

Complete and total secondary lock down (much stricter
than the first and second rolling phase restrictions).
Expected by end of December 2020 – early January

London has just entered Tier 3 lockdown which is the most stringent lockdown level. Greece has slightly eased it’s lockdown but still generally very stringent and in any case it seems to be much more stringent than Canada. It is possible that Canada restrictions will be as severe as European restrictions. Are the restrictions stricter than the first restrictions in the case of Europe, no.

Claim: Partly confirmed

Reform and expansion of the unemployment program
to be transitioned into the universal basic income
program. Expected by Q1 2021.

No hint of that in Greece or the UK at the moment

Claim: Too soon to say

Projected COVID-19 mutation and/or co-infection with
secondary virus (referred to as COVID-21) leading to a
third wave with much higher mortality rate and higher
rate of infection. Expected by February 2021.

Yesterday, 15th of December, Matt Hancock, UK Health Secretary has announced they have found one mutation that appears to be more contagious than original strain. This is to a background of a Nature article saying over 12,000 mutations have been found.

Claim: Likely. The ground works appears to be being laid.

Daily new cases of COVID-21 hospitalizations and
COVID-19 and COVID-21 related deaths will exceed
medical care facilities capacity. Expected Q1 – Q2 2021.

Nothing particularly revealing about this claim, it is normal for hospitals to be under pressure in January and February, in the UK at least.

Claim: Nothing out of the ordinary

Enhanced lock down restrictions (referred to as Third
Lock Down) will be implemented. Full travel restrictions
will be imposed (including inter-province and inter-city).
Expected Q2 2021.

Canada specific point. Restrictions like this already in place in the UK and Greece

Claim: Likely

The rest of the points in the email are a little far in the future to be assessed. Up until this point however nothing in the email appears to be to unrealistic, whether that is because we have been conditioned in Europe I am not sure. The rest of the points in the email appear to be a big step on from where we are at the moment so I am tempted so say they are extremely unlikely. But perhaps I would have said the same thing to the other points in the article back in October.

Whether the article is actually from a government leak or not I think is irrelevant, the point is, are the predictions being made in the email accurate or are they simply guesses? At this point I am not convinced either way. If we start getting conditioning for a universal basic income in the next month or so, the credibility of the email will go up.

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