May 4, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

That is the only explanation I have for an article I read online today at MSNBC. An article that was talking about the GOP Iowa caucuses on January 3 2012.

Specifically MSNBC were referring to the favourite to win the caucuses and at the same time saying that people who were voting for the Republican favourite as non-establishment, quirky, unorthodox.

Are people in Iowa non-establishment, quirky, unorthodox? Are people in Iowa stupid enough to be influenced by MSNBC?

Lets take a look at the beliefs that MSNBC were calling non-establishment, quirky and unorthodox.

1. Authority to outlaw abortion – Apparently if you believe that the states and not the federal government should decide if abortion is legal or not you are non-establishment, quirky and unorthodox.

2. Bombing Iran – MSNBC is saying that people in Iowa who think the USA should mind its own business and not bomb Iran are non-establishment, quirky and unorthodox.

3. Print money only if it is backed up by gold bars – MSNBC is saying that people who think that money should have intrinsic value and not simply be printed out of thin air are non-establishment, quirky and unorthodox.

And it is not just mainstream media who are implying that people in Iowa are stupid. Newt Gingrich also seems to be implying that people in Iowa, at least the majority of Republican voters are stupid, or maybe worse.

Why do I think Newt Gingrich believes people in Iowa are stupid? Because he said this

views totally outside the mainstream of virtually every decent American

So let me get this straight.

1. Authority to outlaw abortion – Down to states to federal government

2. Bombing Iran – Not the business of the US

3. Print money only if it is backed up by gold bars

Apparently, if you agree with these things you are not a “decent American” according to Gingrich. I’m not sure what is worse, being called stupid or being called indecent.

And MSNBC went on about the Republican favourite.

opposes any U.S. military involvement overseas. He wants to bring home all troops from all U.S. bases abroad.

Apparently if you agree with this you are non-establishment, quirky and unorthodox.

And that is not all

Opposing military involvement overseas and strengthening domestic defense

Bringing troops home from bases abroad

Saving a trillion dollars in taxpayers money by cutting 5 federal departments is also non-establishment, quirky and unorthodox.

I mean the list goes on.

All these things means you an unusual person according to MSNBC.

Everything that seems decent, moral and sensible MSNBC brands as non-establishment, quirky and unorthodox.

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