April 25, 2024

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Ron Paul Was Robbed – Romney Had To Cheat To Get The Nomination

The man who is so popular he can hold his own convetion is banned from speaking at the Republican Party Convention in Tampa.



Article Source.

Las Vegas Sun + NY Times Confirm: Ron Paul Got SIX State Petitions for Nomination

Submitted by Kathleen Gee on Tue, 08/28/2012 – 19:10

We managed, in spite of a corrupt media, corrupt national GOP, corrupt state GOP organizations, voter ignorance, voter apathy, a massive disinfo campaign, an ongoing psy-ops campaign, and physical violence, to get Ron Paul the GOP nomination, based on the rules of four days ago.

The GOP and Democrat-controlled media had to lie, cheat, steal, and break bones to stop us.

Las Vegas Sun:

Paul supporters, lead by Nevada delegate Wayne Terhune, succeeded in putting together petitions from six states to put Paul’s name up for nomination. But earlier this week, the Romney campaign won a critical rules change requiring eight states to put a candidate up for nomination.

At the last moment, Paul supporters handed the petitions to the convention secretary. Then, the convention voted to adopt the eight-state rule, crushing the Paul effort.

More at the Las Vegas Sun

New York Times:

Delegates from Nevada tried to nominate Mr. Paul from the floor, submitting petitions from their own state as well as Minnesota, Maine, Iowa, Oregon, Alaska and the Virgin Islands. That should have done the trick: Rules require signatures from just five states. But the party changed the rules on the spot. Henceforth, delegates must gather petitions from eight states.

More at the New York Times



Article Source

Is There Any Question That The Process Is Controlled &That Presidents Are Selected, Not Elected?

Submitted by Trumpet Royale on Tue, 08/28/2012 – 23:47

After this RNC staged event where they turned a criminal, Mitt Romney, into the savior of the country, applying to Mitt, all the wonderful characteristics of Ron Paul, & cheating Ron Paul delegates who were rightfully elected by the RNC rules, it is abhorently apparent to even those with the least amount of common sense, that this system they call “the free-est system in the world” is totally controlled. FDR, in his letter to Edward Mandel House, correctly stated “presidents are not elected, but selected by a small elite”. And this elite that controls our electoral process, has, through a series of corrupt actions & events, stolen delegates & twisted their own rules to benefit their selected puppet(s) Mitt Romney & Barack Obama. Like Ron Paul correctly states “nothing will change this system but us, the people, remaining awake (alert to the many tricks & massinations) & fully active & engaged in this unique opportunity to peacefully take our country back.
Discouraged? Temporarily.
More dedicated than ever? Absolutely.
The GOP strengthened our grassroots efforts with their corrupt acts.
Reveal & tell the truth to your friends & family. Spread this message.

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