April 20, 2024

News Cymru

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Facebook Statistics – Financial, Advertising, Users, Earnings, Revenues, Ad Revenue, Ad CTR

Facebook served around 704 billion ad impressions in 2011

This page gives the background figures highlighted in this article “Facebook Valuation – How *YOU* can make a ballpark estimate”

The Click-Through-Rate (CTR) on Facebook ads is around 0.05 %

Facebook has around 800 million “active” users. Click here > How Facebook defines active user

Facebook’s ad revenues were 3.1 billion dollars in 2011.

Revenue per ad impression is around 0.004cents = 3.1 billion rev / 704 billion impressions

Revenue per click is around 0.08 cents = 3.1bill rev divided by (704 billion imp x 0.05 CTR)

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