May 4, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

This week Sarkozy and Merkel along with Papandreou have tried to turn to say the Greek crisis is down to Greeks not wanting to be part of Europe.

This shows that Europe, which is trying to help Greece does not even understand why… Greece is facing the problems is does. The EU does not understand why the Greeks are so unhappy and they continue to try to solve a problem that does not even exist.

In my opinion the Greeks are probably the most pro-European people in Europe bar none.

To suggest that Greece needs a referendum or that Greeks do not want to be part of Europe shows ignorance on a massive scale.

The issue Greeks have is they are being made to pay extortionate and unfair taxes that make their economic situation even worse and if that wasn’t enough, because their economic situation is getting worse the government says it needs to raise even more taxes.

Greeks have identified the problem, yet nobody in any position of power anywhere in Europe has.

The Greeks are saying that the PASOK regime currently running the country do not know what they are doing and they need to be replaced by another party.

Greeks want a general election not a referendum.

The problem Greece has is massive apathy towards the ruling class. The politicians over the years have either been corrupt or they have been incompetent and sometimes both.

The apathy the electorate has in Greece is concerning to any Greek that wants their country to stay strong and independent. With the electorate being so frustrated and let down by their elected politicians they are likely to welcome sacrificing their political independence in the goal of getting people who know what they are doing running the country.

The political apathy could mean Greeks would welcome sacrificing control of their country to Europe if it meant that the people running things politically in Greece were doing a better job.

This has 2 main problems

The first is that there is no hint that the EU could run the political  affairs of Greece any better than the Greeks themselves

The second problem is that Greeks could be giving up democracy in favour of an unleevted beuracracy.

It is possible that this was the plan all along.

The banks that have lent Greece the money were not stupid, they were fully aware that the debt Greece was taking on would eventually end up in the situation we have today.

So could the current political situation in Greece be part of a longer term plan which sees Greece giving up its independence to an unelceted bureaucracy in Brussels because of government debt?

Greeks need to demand more from their politicians and if the politicians that are put forward in elections are not to their liking then they need to stand for election themselves. It is possible if the people just want it enough.

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