May 3, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

The message from the EU is very clear, either Greeks support the government the EU wants or Greece can leave the Euro

The issue in Greece is not the austerity measures themselves but the incompetence in the way they are being implemented.

Now Papandreou, Merkel and Sarkozy have framed the issue like this. Either Greece accepts Papandreou’s methods for running the Greek economy or Greece will be expelled from the EU.

In a very clever way the EU through Sarkozy and Merkel, have indirectly told the Greeks that they no longer have control over their own government or country.

So without actually saying Greece no longer has control over its own country Papandreou’s referendum threat has achieved the same thing in a round about way.

Of course the fantasy referendum question we are led to believe would have been, does Greece want to be in the Euro or not? I believe any Greek will tell you they completely agree with the goals of the austerity measures, namely reducing the government deficit.

The hypothetical referendum question is completely misleading and an insult to the Greek population

The issue the Greeks have is the apparent incompetence with which the measures are being implemented.

Greeks want to try someone else in charge to see if they can do a better job and that means Greek wants elections not a completely irrelevant question about EU membership which is a total no issue.

But Papandreou and Venizelos have completely ignored the concerns of the people and have decided to blackmail the Greek population.

Either get behind our plans for austerity or we will leave the EU. This is the behaviour of a spoilt child, give me what I want or I will wreck something.

When Samaras says the PASOK government are “desperate and dangerous“, he may have a point.

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