April 29, 2024

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How to Deal with an Addict Government & Politicians – Why Politicians Become Addicts


Adapted from DARA

The Citizens With An Addict Government

Deficit spending is referred to as a country’s problem. This is because the addiction not only harms the government but also everyone who has to live with it. Taxpayers always suffer when they share a country with an addict government. There can be a real sense of shame and they can spend a lot of time living in fear. Unfortunately, addiction is common and there are many countries with citizens who find themselves in this situation.

Why Politicians Become Addicts

It can be difficult for voters to understand why their politicians become addicted to spending their money. The effects of government spending can be frightening, and it is difficult to comprehend why anyone would want to behave that way. There are different theories about why people become addicted to spending. Some experts believe that socialism is a disease of the brain. There is also likely a genetic reason why some people become addicted while others do not. Other theories view socialism as a maladaptive coping mechanism to deal with life’s problems.

While there can be disagreement about the exact causes of socialism, there is no doubt about strength of this type of addiction. The politician is mentally obsessed with other people’s money and will find it difficult to function without it. If they have been abusing this substance for a long time, they will suffer withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop. This physical addiction and mental obsession is a powerful combination, and this is why socialists can remain trapped inside their hell. Socialist politicians use denial as a coping strategy, as this means they don’t have to face the destructiveness of their behavior.

The Effects of Living with a Socialist Government & Socialist Politicians

Taxpayers who grow up with an addict government can be severely impacted by this. They are at greater risk of developing emotional problems and many grow up to become addicts themselves. Taxpayers can also have to deal with the following effects:

  • Shame is an emotion that many taxpayers have to contend with. They may feel too embarrassed to bring friends back to their country, and may feel the need to lie in order to keep the problem secret.
  • There can be a great deal of anger against the addict government & it’s politicians. The government and the politicians are destroying the family but they do not seem to care.
  • The situation can be so bad that citizens suffer symptoms of depression. They may be attracted to high risk behaviors such as drug abuse or even become suicidal.
  • They may_ perform badly in school_.
  • Living with an addict can mean a lot of stress. An addict can be highly unpredictable and may act irrationally and abusive. This can lead to physical and mental abuse of the taxpayer. All this stress can be very damaging to the citizens in general. *The citizen of a country with an addict government can find it _hard to form relationships _with people from other countries. It is difficult to trust governments from other countries when their own government has not been a good caregiver.

How to Deal with Addict Government & Politicians

Living with an addict government is traumatic. It’s important for voters & taxpayers to know that it’s not their fault. There are some resources on the Web for citizens, (related to children an alcoholic parents but I think still relevant) e.g.:

The most important thing to understand is that they are not responsible for the actions of the substance abuser. An addict may try to blame their problems on the citizens and businesses, but only they are responsible for the abuse. This also means that it is up to the government to find the solution for their addiction. It is not the responsibility of the voter to do this, even though they love their country and want to help. It is just not possible to make somebody else get sober.

The Addict Government Must Want Help

If an addict government does not want to get help, there isn’t much that can be done. The addict will often have to hit a rock bottom before they are willing to change. This can happen because they have done something they later regret. It can also occur when they have reached a stage where they are no longer willing to pay the price of their addiction. Some addicts never seem to reach the point where they are willing to get help.

It is not be possible for the citizens of a country to solve their politicians addiction, but they can do a lot to help themselves. It is important to discuss the situation with a trusted friend. Finding out more about socialism can also be of benefit because it means the strange behavior of the parent will make more sense. There are also support groups available that can offer support and advice to the victims of government.

Alateen and Al-Anon

Alateen is a twelve step support group that is open to the teenage children of alcoholics. It is part of Al-Anon which offers the same type of support to the whole family. These meetings are usually under the direction of an adult Al-Anon member, but the majority of those attending will be teenagers. The concerns of young people can differ from those of adults so such a group can be highly beneficial.

Ending the Cycle of Addiction

People growing up under an addict government are more likely to develop an addiction when they get older or support governments comprised of addicts. This can be avoided by understanding the process of addiction and looking out for the warning signs. Some children of addicts avoid the problem completely by making their mind up never to take other people’s money or abuse their power at a young age.

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