May 4, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Laurence Parisot is a director of BNP Paribas – when asked what she saw as the solution to the Euro crisis her reply was a centrally controlled Euro currency.

Given the Euro is controlled by unelected bureaucrats she is openly calling for a dictatorship which is not answerable to the people who pay the taxes that support the bureaucracy.

This emerged in an interview on BBC World, Hard Talk, this a link to the interview but it is only available to reader in the UK at the time of writing

The line taken by Laurence Parisot is the same line taken by all the major banks. Her solution to the European crisis is not only passing control from democratic governments to a centrally controlled European dictatorship but also the creation of the EFSF. As I have covered before the EFSF is a fund which is paid for by tax payers and is controlled by the unelected dictatorship that is the EU.

The banks are encouraging governments in the EU to pass the responsibility for their mistakes onto the innocent taxpayer.

The Euro crisis was created primarily because European governments were given the green light to take out massive debt to subsidise social programs which politicians could use as political tools with which to get elected.

The sovereign debt crisis in the EU is down to banks not carrying out the proper due diligence before making these massive loans and the fault of the sovereign debt crisis is also down to governments going into massive debt to fund their social security systems which they have used to gain popularity amongst the voting public.

So to summarise the Euro crisis is down to the banks making bad loans and governments getting into more debt that they can service.

The sovereign debt crisis is not down to the private sector in any way. Yet taxpayers in the private sector are being asked to bail out the 2 parties that have made the mistakes. European taxpayers are being asked to bail out private banks and greedy governments.

The EFSF is the most obvious example of this.

The Euro crisis has been cause by too much power of the money being concentrated in too few hands. The mainstream media will have you believe that all major banks in the EU have made the same mistakes.

Surely the answer in a truly free industry would be to spread the power out between more companies so the chance of all companies making the same mistakes again would be reduced, but no. The answer being peddled by the mainstream media is that power needs to be even more concentrated.

If we were talking about any other subject, electricity for example. Imagine a monopolistic power company had run up massive debts and could no longer provide a consistent supply of power to people in France. And in addition to that this electricity company is telling the French government “we need the French people to gives us billions of Euros and if they don’t we will have to turn the electricity off all together”.

You could imagine the French government taking great exception to this, being blackmailed by a private company is not something I can imagine the French people accepting and the French government will call for this monopoly to be broken up into smaller companies to stop the nation of France being exposed to such a problem in the future.

But  apparently banking is different. The French government are being told by the electricity monopoly that if you must give us billions and the French government is saying yes okay, we must keep the lights on. Even if you have a monopoly on the electricity supply and even if you have made massive mistakes that has led to France not having a 24 hours supply of electricity you deserve billions of Euros from the taxpayer so you can maintain your monopoly.

That may sound like a fantasy but that is exactly what is happening with these bank bailouts and with the ESFS.

The French people are being asked to maintain a monopoly that has reduced their standard of living and if the French people do not do not help maintain the monopoly, this electricity company is going to turn their lights out completely.

People need to see through what is happening here, sovereign governments and people in Europe are being blackmailed by the international banking cartel.

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