April 28, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Greeks Misunderstand Merkel

Merkel is almost a hated figure in Greece which shows just how much the Greeks have been misled

From the start Merkel has been reluctant to lend Greece money. Which means Germany wanted to Greece to come up with it’s own ideas about how to deal with the debt problem. Merkel did not want the IMF or the World Bank to get involved.

Yet the Greeks for some reason unknown to me believe Merkel is in the same boat as Sarkozy which could not be futerh from the truth. Sarkozy is closely aligned with the USA and the UK while Merkul has her own ideas which are almost the opposite of the USA, France and the rest of the EU.

To see Greeks now with flags outside the Greek parliment saying sarkozy and Merkel are the same is ridiculous.

Why do Greeks hate Merkel?
Why do Greeks hate Merkel?

Merkel has been the only voice of reason from the start of the crisis. Merkel has been the only person who has said that the Greeks can and should work out their problems themselves without people from other countries and organsations getting involved.

Yet for some reasons the Greek’s resent this.

If Greece has taken Merkel’s advice at the start then Greece would be on the way to recovery now but as it is Greece is experiencing a 2 year recession with no end it sight.

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