May 2, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

EU to give Greece a Billion Euro in Grants

You would have thought that EU politicians would be wary about getting involved in making a cup of tea let alone wading in to deeper waters to help Greece

The powers that be in the EU seemed to have been caught completely be suprise by the Greek problem and their reposnse has been as equally insightful.

You would have thought this would have made them think twice about their actions, you would have thought that they should have said to themselves “hold on, I don’t think we really have a clue about what is going on in Europe, I don’t we have really got a handle of the consequences of the laws and treaties that we are putting together. We should slow down and try and get a better grasp of the situation before we do any more things that make the situation worse”

But no, far from it, Barroso has waded in to the deep water and proposes that the EU give Greece a billion Euros in grants to help stimulate business. Clearly he thinks he has done an excellent job up until now.

Governments in general need to realise that they are the source of people’s problems not the answer, everything they do has unintended consequence which hurt people. Take for example these grants the Barroso is talking about. He wants to give money I presume to new businesses to help them get started. But what about the companies in the same industry who have been in business for years? You have the EU giving free money to their competitors which helps them take customers away from the established companies and potentially threatening their future. And there is no way to know that the new company is doing a good job because the grants are clouding the figures. The only way to know if a company is successful is if it is self sufficient.

Really the unintended consequences couldn’t be more obvious but politicians for some reason think they can do better than the people. I mean, where do they get this idea from? What have they done which makes governments think that they can run businesses better than people who work there?

Greece is uncompetitive because there are too many rules, regulations and taxes. Reduce them and Greece will be competitive. Not only does it not cost any money to cut rules and regulations, it actually saves money.
Barroso doesn't understand he is part of the problem
Honestly though, I think the EU politicians know that their measures just keep the population living at a lower level than they would without government involvement. Look at Skopje, the economy there wants to grow so what is the formula? Low taxes and low regulations, just like Hong Kong and Singapore. It is common knowledge how to create a prosperous economy so you have to assume the EU politicians and national politicians do not want prosperity, they want people to survive and no more than that.

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