May 4, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Sweat Shops – Why They Should Be Embraced

The story goes that people are abused in sweatshops, that they work in inhumane conditions and people in the west are profiting from other people’s misery.

There is one fatal flaw in this argument. The people working in the sweatshop have a choice.

If the pain and suffering they experience in the sweatshop is more than the wage is worth than they can choose not to work there.

When you get do-gooders in the west saying these sweatshops should be closed what they are really saying is that these people working in sweatshops should be fired.

That is the long and the short of it. People who want to get rid of sweatshops want people in the developing world to lose their job. It’s just that simple.

Okay conditions may be terrible, but how is making more people unemployed going to lead to sweatshops paying people more?

People get paid low wages because there are more people than there are jobs.

Businesses don’t have to compete with each other to attract workers ie businesses don’t have to compete with each other on pay because they have the power.

On the other hand the less jobs there are per person the higher wages have to be to get workers.

So in summary, sweatshops should be welcomed. It makes people richer, it creates more opportunities for businesses as there are more people able to buy products and service. This is turn creates more competition between businesses to pay higher wages to attract workers.

It really is that simple. Sweatshops create a virtuous circle of prosperity.

The next time you see someone who wants to close sweatshops, remember what they are actually asking for, they want people in developing countries to lose their jobs.

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