May 5, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Syriza Communists In Bed With Eurobank – “The lady doth protest too much, methinks”

The political pantomime continues.

The leader of the Syriza communist party, Tsipras, has come out and claimed that the management of Eurobank has instructed their employees not to vote for Syriza.

This sounds like a complete lie to me.

There is no way I can believe that Tsipras honestly believed in what he was saying, either that or he is a complete clown.

I mean how would such an order even be enforced and are the employees of Eurobank so stupid not to realise the effects of a Syriza government?

Taking the first point.

At the moment, Greeks are not obligated to disclose who they vote for, so why would Eurobank management even say such a thing given there is no way for them to follow-up on their instructions.

Eurobank, forced to deny ridiculous rumours spread by the potential next prime minister of Greece Image Source:

If such a thing happened I am sure Eurobank employees would not need Tsipras to speak for them!

Is Tsipras so stupid as to believe a rumour as childish as this or is he trying to achieve something else by saying it?

And then you have the fact that Eurobank management would even feel the need to say such a thing to their employees. Especially given the massively publicity surrounding Syriza and their views with regards to the seizing of depositors assets for government purposes.

Unfortunately you have Syriza getting so much air time these days Eurobank had no choice but to come out and deny an obvioulsy ridiculous statement.

Tsipras & Syriza are coming out with complete nonsense. Generally.

Who knows where they are going to get the money to finance their plans.

One thing is for sure.

Syriza are being played violins, whether they realise it or not.

They are going to bring the country to collapse should they get into power and this will be just the excuse the EU is looking to seize more power and just the excuse the banks are looking for to use against Merkel to get unlimited funding from  Germany.

Make no mistake folks, the communist totalitarian takeover of Europe is well under way and it is starting in Greece with Syriza.

So who can Greeks vote for, in a sea of socialist mayhem one party stands out.

The Liberal Alliance – Φιλελεύθερη Συμμαχία Fileleftheri Symmakhia

Polticial positions from Wikipedia (now this sounds like a plan)

The Liberal Alliance defines itself as classical liberal party, championing personal liberty and human rights in both the political, social and economic sectors. Some of its positions are:

  • Withdrawal of the state from every kind of business activity and the reduction in the size of government and public sector.
  • Decriminalization of drug use.
  • Full separation of church and state.
  • Abolition of the (compulsory in Greece) military draft.
  • Abolition of permanent employment in the civil sector.
  • Tax reduction.
  • Permission for non-Government controlled universities to exist.
  • Privatization of state run public services.
  • Respect for the individuality of citizens.
  • Abolition of the state-run, defined benefit scheme to a defined contribution pension system managed entirely by the private sector under supervision by a specialized government superintendency.

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