May 16, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Public Sector Workers Backed The Wrong Horse

Public sector workers in Greece are trapped between a rock and a hard place

The government wants to cut jobs and pensions, so they resist by strikes and make the likelyhood of them losing their jobs increases. They have no way out.

The size of the Greek government is the source of all of Greece’s problems. Greece can only move forward by slashing government jobs and slashing pensions. This is the only solution, forget privitisations as we have mentioned before they play a very small part of the problem.

The people that work for the government had 2 choices, they could work for the private sector where there was more uncertainty and much smaller pensions and a longer working life. Or they could work for the government with shorter working hours, shorting working life, they couldn’t get sacked and they had a good pension.

The people that are striking now chose the easy life. They picked the wrong way and now they have to pay. They may say that is not fair. Let me put in another way, if a company was run badly and was closing woudl they be happy to prop up the company with their money, their taxes? I think we all know the answer.

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