May 4, 2024

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Charlie Rose (Bloomberg) The Movie – In The Year 2525

Let me set the scene for the Charlie Rose the movie

Play this video to get the background music and to understand the Charlie Rose show reality.



So imagine the scene.

Its 2012

It is a presidential election year in the USA

The USA is seeing its financial superiority being destroyed by debt

The US government is spending a trillion dollars a year on a global military rather than defense of the USA

The government deficit is at unsustainable levels

The US trade deficit is completely unsustainable

The Federal Reserve is stripping trillions away from savers and pensioners by devaluing the Dollar

Medicare and Medicaid costs are out of control

The US government is on the hooks for hundreds of billion of bad government debt

US citizens are seeing the basic liberties being stripped away from them at an alarming rate

Air travel has turned into a living nightmare by unprecedented intrusions of people’s personal privacy

Checkpoints on roads are ignoring people’s constitutional rights

The president of the united states is launching wars without the permission of the people’s representatives

The US military openly admit they no longer take orders from the US government

And then you have Charlie Rose the movie.

The Charlie Rose Show 2525



A talk show that claim to understand all of these problems and claims to understand what needs to be done to solve these problems.

And yet at the same time, the Charlie Rose show refuses to admit the existence of the one presidential candidate who also understands these problems and has a plan to restore America.

And this is why I say Charlie Rose “the movie”.

Because that is what the Charlie Rose show is like. A movie. A movie that is filmed in a reality where Ron Paul does not exist.

The Charlie Rose show is like watching a talk show that is made in a world where there is no Ron Paul and where noone understands America’s problems except the people being interviewed on the show.

I am using the word surreal a lot these days and I am going to use it again here.

The Charlie Rose show is the most surreal show on Bloomberg TV by quite some margin.

On no other show can you see all of Ron Paul’s campaign pledges being supported so enthusiastically.

And yet the same time the show ignores the existence of the person where their ideas are coming from.

At the very least Ron Paul should sue Charlie Rose for copyright infringement.

Either the Charlie Rose show is actually a fictional show (a point of view that is becoming more persuasive the more I watch it)

Or the Charlie Rose show is merely a physiological tool being used to castrate Ron Paul’s message by acknowledging the problems and solutions that Ron Paul highlights and yet at the same time portraying a reality where there is no politician in World politics who reflects their point of view.

It’s as if the Charlie Rose show is trying to frustrate and exasperate the US voter into thinking there is no politician who they can vote for.

What do you think?

Is the Charlie Rose show based in a different reality?

Is the Charlie Rose show the most surreal talks how in the world at the moment

And is the Charlie Rose show deliberately trying to take Ron Paul out of people’s view?


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