May 7, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Irony Of Greek Crisis Exposes Left Right Paradigm

The only resistance and I do me only resistance to the Greek government bailout is coming from the left to far left-wing parties in Greek politics.

The False Left-Right Paradigm Concept is a political theory that alleges that members of opposing major political parties such as the Republican and Democratic parties in the United States share common interests and goals, as well as a covertly unified ruling authority over the political issues of the masses. The two major political entities act in concert to create divisiveness among the population while keeping control of the political spectrum.



The Greek left-wing parties are exposing the obvious and they are 100% correct in their assessment.


The Greek communist party the KKE and Syriza are pointing out the truth of the Greek government bailout and the fundamental truth is that it is socializing the losses of bankers and investors.

They are saying that the Greek government bailout is leading the Greek economy into the abyss and the Greek people into slavery.

How can the left wing parties be the only ones voicing these opinions?

Surely it is the supposed right-wing parties that should be exposing the complete destruction of the last remaining fragments of capitalism in the Greek economy.

The irony of the left’s position is that even though they identify the reality of the Greek situation perfectly, their proposed solution to the Greek crisis are exactly what led Greece into the position it is in today.

Fundamentally the Greek government financial problems stem from the centralisation of power with the state.

The fundamental problems being experienced by the Greek government come from the fact that the economy has been centrally planned for the duration of living memory.

Ultimately the centralisation of power has led to the complete corruption of the Greek political system

As the saying goes

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely

As the result of the corruption is what Greeks are seeing today.

The left-wing parties believe they are incorruptible.

I put it to them that man is fundamentally corruptible.

Any man or woman can justify any action if they believe it is in the “greater good”

Man is fallible, man  is corruptible and it if for these reasons why centralisation of power is always bad.

Ultimately there is no left and right in politics. At least not in the traditional sense of the word. Communism and fascism are the same only the flavour is different















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