May 7, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Greece – Minimum Wage Should Be Abolished – Not Reduced

The minimum wage in Greece should be abolished completely not simply reduced.

But why does Greece have a minimum wage at all?

The minimum wage is a tool where government can pass on the cost of their mistakes to private business owners.

The minimum wage was originally implemented in Greece as a political tool to gain popularity amongst low skilled workers, ironically, the people who were supposed to benefit from the minimum wage are the people who have been most harmed by it.



Pumping gas at a petrol station did not suddenly become a more valuable job just because the government said so.

A job that was paying 4 euros an hour did not suddenly become worth 6 euros an hour to the business because the government said so.

Ultimately the Greek government created an environment where there were too many taxes and too may rules and regulations. This government interference limited the amount of jobs that businesses could create.

An environment of too few jobs and too many people puts downward pressure on wages.

The rules and regulations are imposed by government, it is the government that has forced wages down not private business owners.

So the minimum wage in Greece needs to be abolished but at the same time taxes, rules and regulations need to be cut.

Greece has an unemployment rate of almost 25%. This is a massive drain on the governments already nonexistent finances.

Tax cuts will massively reduce the number of people claiming benefits. The money lost through tax collection will more than be made up from the reduction in social security payments.

And do not forget, Papademos, the Prime Minister of Greece has said that his plan is to reduce the wealth of Greeks. To make Greeks poorer.

Increasing taxes and regulations is an excellent way to reduce wages. Something the government has done over the past 3 years.

Reducing the minimum wage is the next logical step in the longer term plan.

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