May 7, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Romney – “I want to lower taxes on the rich and increase taxes on the poor”

In case anyone was under the  impression that just because Romney was allegedly successful in business that must mean he is for lower taxes, take a look at this video clip.


It is very short, but it highlights the point exactly.

Romney wants to lower the tax rate but have more people paying tax. In other words, lower taxes on the rich and increase the taxes on the poor.

In the same speech, Romney is all about reducing the taxes on savings and how the people are paying too much taxes. He is right of course but you have to remember the audience Romney is addressing here. The political and economic elite who influence American politics for their own benefit and against the interests of the American people.

But hold on, if the political and economic elite want lower taxes then why is Ron Paul not their choice candidate?

At the end of the day Ron Paul wants a zero rate of income tax for everybody.

Why aren’t the super rich getting behind Ron Paul?

There could be a couple of reasons.

The super rich do not pay income tax anyway, like Mitt Romney, so they do not care what the income tax rate is.

Ron Paul wants to reduce the power of the federal government. Is it possible that the super rich in some way lose by the federal government having less influence over Americans?

Perhaps Romneys mission and that of his supporters is to protect the super rich, to make sure the federal government/taxpayer will be there to bail them out if there are any problems and finally to make sure that the political power in the USA is highly centralised to make it that much easier to manipulate.

God forbid large corporations like AIG and Goldman Sachs would have to lobby the states individually in order to get bailout money.

Or god forbid the military industrial complex would have to lobby each state individually in order to get funding for their next act of aggression/pre-emptive war/kinetic peace action.

Romney, from what i see, is all about maintaining the status quo. He makes over 20 million dollars a year in the USA. He wants to keep things exactly the way they are now. But do you?

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