May 5, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Welsh Control In Wales Reduced By 25% – Constituency Border Changes

As if it was not obvious enough why Wales should be independent, the English government has put forward proposals to reduce the power of the Welsh people by 25%.

Currently Wales has………. 40 MPs in the English parliament which the current Westminster regime wants to reduce to 30.

The reason?

The changes are part of a UK-wide package to cut the number of MPs from 650 to 600. Under a law brought in last year every constituency must have an electorate between 72,810 and 80,473. Only one current Welsh constituency – Cardiff South and Penarth – falls within this range.

The population density in England is 395 sq/km in 2008, Wales on the other hand has a population density of 145 sq/km.

How an English government can put forward a proposal, that Wales should be treated in the same way as England on a matter of population, and more than that, population without taking into consideration population density demonstrates the complete incompetence of the government that the Welsh are exposed to.

The alternative of course is that the plan is to reduce the influence of Welsh people to determine their own government.

Welsh people make up about 4% of the Welsh and English population. The population of England is around 51million and the Welsh population is around 3 million.

The English based government wants to reduce the number of MPs by almost 10%, yet Wales has to contribute 20% to the reduction in MPs even though Wales only has 4% of the population.

To labour the point, if these cuts treated the Welsh equally, Wales would contribute to 4% of the 10% cut in MPs, or 4% of the 50 MPs in the proposed cuts, or in other words, 2 MPs, not 10.

The English government is saying Wales should give up 5 times as many seats as England relative to population.

Yet another example, if any was needed, of the contempt the English government holds the Welsh people. And I mean the English government, not the English people.

It could be argued that Wales having 40 MPs is disproportionate, Wales has around 6% of the seats in the English parliament but 4% of population.

Considering Wales ‘s sovereignty was given up to the English government under the coercion of constant English military invasions, 6% of seats seems a small token of compensation.

If land area is taken into consideration, which arguably is just as relevant as population, Wales has approximately 16% of the combined Wales and England land area, Wales has insufficient representation in the English parliament as it is, especially given the massive natural resources that Wales has and that England depends on.

But of course, this simple fact is a very good reason for England to want to reduce the influence of Welsh people in Welsh affairs, especially with Scottish independence on the horizon and the inevitable calls for a similar referendum in Wales.

Welsh people should lobby their MPs with phone calls and letters to urge them to vote against any proposed changes that will reduce the number of Welsh seats in the English parliament.

And if your local MP is not willing to preserve Wales’s limited power in England then the Welsh electorate have to seek out parties in Wales that will represent the interests of Wales and the Welsh people.

Welsh people need to make sure their elected representatives exploit and preserve the power the have in England before they lose it. And if your local Welsh MP does not want to preserve their power and the power of the people in their Welsh constituency, then seek out an MP and political party that will, even if that means standing for election yourself.

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