May 17, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Should Ron Paul Sue CNN?

CNN International repeatedly refers to Ron Paul as an isolationist despite Ron Paul repeatedly stating his views as well as categorically deniying that his views are isolationist.

Why does CNN continue to want to label one of the favourites for the presidency in a misleading way?

Sure the CNN website gives the true picture so why does the TV coverage seem intent on misleading people?

Perhaps CNN should define what they class as isloationist just in case there is confusion.

If CNN defines an isolationist as not wanting to have military bases dotted around the world then that makes evey country on the planet isolationist except the USA.

Could this be what CNN means? And if so is CNN merely a mountpiece for the military industrial complex?

If you look at the TV coverage you would have to say CNN has an agenda and that agenda is not compatible with Ron Paul’s.

Personally I though CNN was an unbiased news network that could be trusted, but CNN’s continued and obvious biased and manipulative coverage of the GOP presidential race is rapidly discrediting the entire CNN news organistion.

When Ron Paul says Amercians should be free to trade and be friends with foreign nations, for CNN then to come out and call him an isloationist damages the credibility of the staff at CNN to say the least.

If you don’t know what I am talking about, next time you are watching news coverage of the GOP presidential race make note of how CNN describes Ron Paul and then do your own research to see if you are being told the truth.

Unfortunately, we now have to double check everything we are told about everything!



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