May 2, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Paris Ayiomamitis is featured in article today in Athens News. This is the paragraph that is attributed to  Paris Ayiomamitis.

The New Democracy leader has flushed his credibility down the drain with his stance throughout the debt crisis. With financial disaster looming, he – initially – obstinately refused to agree to any political consensus with Pasok unless it ensured that it would give him the prime minister’s seat. He finally agreed to an interim government after coming under immense pressure from the country’s lenders and the threat of Greece getting kicked out of the euro. Samaras put his personal ambitions above the interests of the country and he is now trying his best to distance himself from the Papademos government lest he is burdened with the blame for unpopular austerity measures.

Articles of this nature and perspective are now typical of Athens News. I cannot say whether the Athens News is the lap dog of the current Greek administration or whether Athens News really does believe in it’s writing but this latest article again highlights the completely one sided perspective of the Greek government problems and highlights Athens News religious regurgitation of the official line of the Greek regime.

Paris Ayiomamitis states that Samaras’s credibility is down the drain because Samaras insisted on negotiatioing better terms with Greece’s creditors.

Terms which are now being renegotiated as highlighted in Kathimerini, how this means the credibility of Samaras is down the drain I do not know. If a statement could be the exact opposite of reality then perhaps this is it.

Paris Ayiomamitis then accuses Samaras of folding in the face of blackmail from international banks but makes not statement regarding the immoral behaviour of blackmail.

He finally agreed to an interim government after coming under immense pressure from the country’s lenders and the threat of Greece getting kicked out of the euro.

Ayiomamitis then goes on to defend the actions of blackmailers by stating

Samaras put his personal ambitions above the interests of the country

Of course if someone is standing by their principles then they must be putting their priniciples in front of what is right.

Again no mention of the fact that just because your argument for a solution is different to the other parties does not mean you are wrong.

And them Ayiomamitis goes on to say how Samaras’s position was not in the interest of the country.

Who is Ayiomamitis to judge!?

State your opnion please but please back up your opnion with some background rather simply passing aspersions without any apparent reason.

And then Ayiomamitis goes on to further criticize Samaras because he wants to distance himself from actions he does not agree with, like this is a bad thing.

I am sure Ayomamitis regualry supports people’s opnions which he does not agree with. That would explain the absurdity of his paragraph.

It seems Athens News is more than happy to criticize people who are putting forward solutions which differ from the current thinking of the Papademos regime, current thinking which has led Greece into the deepest depression in recent memory.

The decisions of Papanderou and Papademos are imploding the Greek economy and yet someone who puts forward another way is obvioulsy wrong.

I have no problem with people stating their opnion as long as it is based on some obvious reasoning. Ayomamitis in this article simply states that Samaras is happy to destroy Greece yet offers no reasons as to why he believes this.

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