May 8, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Phone Hacking Inquiry – Waste Of People’s Money – Leveson Enquiry

What is the purpose of the inquiry?

To find out who was practicing bad/immoral practices and punishing the perpetrators?

If so, aren’t the British people the best qualified to make the judgement on whether they approve of something or not?

So why does the government feel the need to get involved?

Does Cameron not believe the British people are able to make their own judgements and hand out punishment as they see fit? ie not buying the products of media outlets that carries out practices they disapprove of.

What does the government hope to achieve by spending millions of the British people’s money that the man street cannot achieve.

If the British people do not approve of something then they will not buy the products of the “immoral” source and the immoral source will go out of business.

If something illegal has gone on that is something completely different. There is a legal system to deal with criminal acts.

The government however believes that the legal system has failed but instead of addressing the failures, as they see it, of the legal system, they do not address it and instead choose to target the messenger.

The phone hacking inquiry, the Leveson enquiry, is not working on behalf of something that cannot speak for itself, for example David Kelly.

The enquiry is claiming to act on behalf on the population, presumably because the British people cannot make moral judgements for themselves.

Why the government thinks this is not clear.

One could say that the government is not interested in making judgement for the British people but the government is in fact serving its own agenda which is to name, shame and intimidate investigative journalism in the UK.

And the government is billing the general public in order to stop the general public from getting the full story on important issues.

Details on the Leveson enquiry can be found here

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