May 15, 2024

News Cymru

Two sides to every headline

Mass Protests In Greece – No Media Coverage

There have been protests all over Greece for the last 4 days but there has been zero coverage in the international media. Maybe it is because the protests are peaceful? Maybe Greece is only newsworthy for negative things.

Whatever the case maybe over 5 days an estimated 250,000 people have shown the solidarity against the “measures” taken by the Greek government across the country.

A survey of Greek people carried out by RC-Pulse shows that the vast majority believe that the austerity measures are a mistake. And not suprisingly a massive 82percent of people were opposed to new taxes. The shocking bit of this statistic is presumably 18% of people would either like or don’t mind if taxes are increased.

Athens News gives a good break down of the survey here

If anyone would like to find out more about the protests Athens News has other articles here

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